ZSystem Arcade

Welcome to ZSystem 2020

The Dedicated Linux Mame Build

ZSystem is a Linux based system designed from the ground up to run Mame with the best possible performance available on today's hardware. It is primarily intended for fixed resolution configuration with the advanced capability of refresh rate matching with synchronization and is ideal for OLED, LCD or PC CRT monitors.

ZSystem being dedicated means it does not carry the overhead of typical graphical desktop computers such as:

Graphical logins and the software loaded with Desktop systems - Volume widgets, Clocks, Task bars, Window/File managers, Auto updates, Bluetooth stacks etc.

Other benefits from a dedicated Linux Mame cabinet include a very fast boot up time and rock solid emulation/operation.

Typically from the bios logo screen at power on to having your menu in front of you and selecting a game to play is about 10~20 seconds.

ZSystem also takes advantage of Mame's waitvsync option, ensuring tear free video display on all systems with compliant video cards.

Depending on your hardware's capabilities, Mame may be run in Syncrefresh mode (SRM) or Throttle mode (Fallback).

Syncrefresh mode provides a much better gaming experience and is the preferred mode for custom Mame cabinets.

Throttle mode is Mame's default configuration option and can be compared to most Xin1 type boards.

Syncrefresh mode (SRM)

For systems with compatible video cards (Typically AMD, Intel & nVidia) Syncrefresh operation is possible with the addition of refresh rate matching.

When the system video refresh is matched to the original game refresh, Mame can synchronize it's operation to the matched system video refresh for near perfect emulation.

This will result in smooth gameplay & scrolling with no jitter/stutter in the video output. For best results audio should be synchronized as well.

If you want the games to run like they originally did, Then you will want to use Syncrefresh mode (SRM).

Syncrefresh mode requires more CPU power than Throttle mode. Check operation with Show FPS (F12).

Throttle mode (Fallback)

Throttle mode, Mame's default and simplest configuration to operate also produces the most shabby emulation.

Games will jitter/stutter every few seconds due to frame rate mismatch, Especially noticeable on fast moving/scrolling games.

Useful when hardware is not powerful enough (CPU), Hardware is not capable (fixed refresh) or as a fallback mode for when a games refresh rate falls outside of the minimum or maximum ranges of the display capabilities.

Attract Mode frontend

Attract Mode is the recommended frontend for it's low system overhead and great layouts/skins.

Layouts/skins can be customized or written from scratch using the Squirrel programming language.

Attract Mode is Open Source and runs on Windows, OS X and Linux (including Raspberry Pi, Odroid).



Credit lockout capability

If you choose to re-create the authentic arcade experience by installing a coin mechanism then ZSystem also supports credit lockout (while in menu mode) and credit counters using the C&C PCB.

C&C PCB may be purchased as a Complete kit, Pre-built PCB or just the blank PCB.


OzFalcon Design

Based on 64bit Debian (Buster)

Debian (Buster or newer) is the recommended Linux distribution for it's stability and video driver requirements.

Though any base Linux distribution is suitable as long as the video drivers are new enough to support Mame's requirements.

For Arcade CRT monitors, Please see the Groovy Arcade Live CD project which has OS patches for 15khz displays.